About SUGAR AND SPICE ALPACAS - livestock Sales


Jeremy & Sarah have been raising suri alpacas since 2008. While our history is in education and publishing, we have found ourselves a future in alpacas. We were both enamored with the suri alpaca when we first encountered them, and despite having no previous livestock experience, our suri alpaca farm quickly earned a reputation for our knowledge of the suri breed, and now we are known for the quality produced by our program.

We both work towards the same goal, to raise beautiful animals we enjoy for a life that is as rewarding financially as it is edifying and enlightening. Our alpacas have become another commonality to bring us even closer together, and our favorite days allow us to work side-by-side with our alpacas, or travel around the country together, or enjoy a visit with some of the many friends we have made along our alpaca journey. While we are one of the younger couples raising alpacas, we hope to be one of the first of many that will become the next generation of alpaca owners and breeders.

In 2010, the first alpacas produced by our alpaca farm took the show ring earning numerous championships at some of the largest shows in the country. What we take the most from this is not the awards, but the manner in which we earned them. Our first purchased alpacas were not necessarily the expensive champion sires and dams, however they produced champion offspring for us because of intelligent selection, thoughtful breeding decisions and attentive care. Our appreciation for our suri alpacas along with our penchant for learning have been invaluable assets to us in our business, and we believe this alone is all that is needed for a lasting success in raising alpacas.

We are as dedicated to the future of the suri alpacas we raise as we are to the future of the suri alpaca industry. We work full time with our alpacas and attend many industry events across the country each year. We provide our customers one-on-one time to learn to care for their suri alpacas. The size of our herd allows us the time to provide hands-on care for our animals, to be involved in all facets of our industry, to devote time to our customers, and still enjoy the kind of life we ve been searching for.

If you are looking for glimpse into the alpaca lifestyle and an opportunity to learn about building a successful future in suri alpacas, we invite you to visit with us. We look forward to meeting you!

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