About Blooming Field Farm Alpacas - livestock Sales

   About Blooming Field Farm Alpacas

Our family left the suburbs in 2008 to pursue our dream of living a more peaceful and rewarding country lifestyle. Shortly thereafter, we became enchanted with alpacas at a local alpaca open house which sparked our interest in becoming a real working farm.

We founded "Blooming Field Farm" within a year of our move and after countless hours of research, purchased our first two alpacas in 2009.

Since then, and despite a poor economy, Blooming Field Farm has continued to thrive and grow. While sheer determination and hard work (and a little insanity!) has gotten us here, our "real world" job skills have complemented our abilities as alpaca farmers.

Cindy, a registered nurse, applies her many years of medical experience to providing best husbandry practices to the small herd. Because of her background, she is naturally drawn to staying up to date on all aspects of veterinary care and alpaca research.

Brian provides a wealth of knowledge to the business side of Blooming Field Farm. An IT director by day, he focuses his talents on maintaining the farm's website and on providing all things technical to the business, whether it be installing security cameras & automatic watering systems or constructing alpaca barns and fences.

Our farm's focus is on breeding elite white to light fawn huacaya alpacas with genetically superior conformation and fleece characteristics. We have chosen to keep our herd size small so that we can manage daily chores ourselves and foster desirable temperaments in alpacas that receive daily handling and attention.

In addition, we are dedicated to promoting and growing amazing alpaca fleece. We want to help ensure that alpaca fiber has a solid future as a sustainable and valuable world market fiber. We are members of the Natural Fiber Producers cooperative, NFP, whose goal is the production of superior products from sorted fleece.

Recently a "certified sorter"commented that our farm's fiber clip "had the most fiber [per animal] that can go into production of any farm [they] had sorted this year." Furthermore, the sorter commented that "the staple length was amazing!"

We are also proud members of AFCNA. We are very proud of our small herd of quality alpacas. We know that by focusing on quality over quantity we will be able to sustain a viable farm business and provide quality service and mentoring to our customers.

Here at Blooming Field Farm, the "alpaca lifestyle" is both exciting and rewarding. We take pride in the fact that alpacas are not only bringing loads of amusement to our young children, but teaching them valuable life skills and work ethic.

Contact us to set up a farm visit and we'll share with you valuable lessons we've learned about getting started in the industry. Come see for yourself what alpaca farming is all about and learn the many virtues of alpacas!

Blooming Field Farm
Cindy and Brian Kettlehone

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